Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My Helix Piercing Experience!

                I can't even tell you how long I had been waiting to get my helix, or cartilage, pierced. Maybe two-three years! I would have gotten it earlier, had I been able to, but my parents had always said no or wanted me to wait and think about it a little longer until I knew I was sure. Once they finally gave me the okay, I went in to a local tattoo/piercing shop the next day.

              On the way up to the shop, I began to feel nervous. I mean, everyone said it hurts! So I was excited but definitely feeling some anxiety. My mom and I arrived to the shop and spoke to the lady at the counter and she took us to a back room right away. There were posters of tattoos and piercings all around me and I really like my piercing and the idea of them, but let's just say I wasn't feeling at home then. I just felt out-of-place, not scared just a bit uncomfortable.

              I sat down in the chair and the lady (if I knew her name, I would mention her, because she was wonderful. she was a tattoo artist as well) disinfected and then marked my ear, asking if it was an okay spot. She actually marked where I wanted my piercing the first time around, so I never had to go through the multiple marking process. Once it was marked I just started talking to my mom because I finally felt comfortable and while I was talking, the needle and earring were prepped, then just a short minute later the tattoo artist said the magic words, "All done". I didn't feel a thing!

              I really was astonished. All these people and posts said how painful it was but in reality it really isn't. We paid and left, and when we reached the van we realized the entire appointment only took 10 minutes! We were in and out just like that. It was such a short and painless process, that I actually might get another piercing (shhh... it's a secret).

             After my ear was pierced it did feel sore, which is normal, so I applied an anti-bacterial gel they gave me and then later that night I applied hydrogen peroxide around the hoop and also to the tip of my ear. The piercing I got was a hoop and it can be switched to a stud or to another hoop within 2-3 months after the original piercing date. I did cheat a little bit and I wouldn't recommend that. I changed my piercing after only a month and that was painful! So, listen to the pros, they know what they're talking about. It is their job after all!

            Anyway, that was my helix piercing experience, I hope it wasn't too boring. For any of you who would like to get it pierced or have recently gotten it pierced, it will be sore for the first month, so just be aware of that. I slept on the opposite side of my head and tied my hair back for a few days so it wouldn't get caught in it. Also, for loop/hoop earrings, they are much easier to clean. All you have to do it turn and wiggle it just a bit and apply the gel and disinfectant. For those who get pierced with a stud earring, you will have to take it out after a week or two to disinfect it, but in those first two weeks just apply gel and some sort of disinfectant to make sure it doesn't get infected. And finally for those who haven't gotten pierced yet, I recommend finding a shop that will pierce with a needle, because a gun could actually tear your ear.

            I hope you enjoyed this blog and here are some pics of my piercing!

So this shot shows the anti-bacterial
gel that I applied to the piercing!
This pic is from when I got home
and got all fancy with the
black & white filters...


Monday, January 19, 2015

New Year & New Hopes

       I'm looking forward to 2015 so much! There are so many exciting things that are taking place for me this year! I'm going on my first cruise in March to the Bahamas (which is discussed in an earlier post here), I'm graduating from high school, visiting family across the country over the summer, attending college, and turning 18 in November. All of this is taking place in 2015!

      This past year, 2014, wasn't very eventful in my life. I started my senior year in high school and visited family, and I did perform at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., but other than those great moments, there weren't any significant events that stick out in my mind about the year 2014. It was more of a transitional stage in my life, getting from one place to another, and more of a straight road compared to the roller coaster ahead of me. However, it was filled with love and laughter from my friends and family which is always the best. 

      So since 2014 wasn't the year for me, 2015 will be my best and busiest year yet! I've made some New Year's Resolutions that have been working well for me so far. My resolutions mostly focus on me and my self-being rather than what the media or peers at school think I should be. Instead of "fixing" myself for the new year, I want to better myself in health and in my self-confidence. I want to create a better and healthier lifestyle for myself which includes eating organics more often, doing at home yoga and weight loss exercises. I also want to create more videos and write more blog posts, as I said in my last post. I also need to eliminate stress from my life and focus more on what needs to get done without any extra fuss.  I have chronic migraines, so cutting the stress out and eating better will definitely help with my headaches. 

        My resolutions are habits that should have already been in my lifestyle, but it's never too late to start them up...So after reading my resolutions, that I'm hoping to keep up... *fingers crossed*, what do you think? Do you have any resolutions of your own? If so, comment below!

                                       Thanks for reading & until next time,


Starting my YouTube Channel

      Ever since middle school I have been hooked on watching YouTube videos. More specifically Bethany Mota, Blair and Elle Fowler, and Tracy and Stef. I admired how they would be so open in front of a camera, how they spent the time editing and uploading their videos, and just how inspirational and real they are. Sure, we only see 12 minutes of their life on camera, but they still inspired me to create my own channel!
     I know that most of YouTube names are creative and fun, but I just used shoptilyoudrop and YouTube added  a "7" to the end, and that my friends, is how I got my channel name. Little did I know that there used to be a game show called "Shop 'til You Drop" from 1991-2005. So even if someone were to search my name, the game show pops up first! Lol, no biggie! But, back to the story...
     My mom and dad finally agreed and allowed me to start my channel back in October 2012. My first video ever was a Makeup Haul video. (View it here.) I had so much fun making the videos but then I felt expected to make them.
     When I first started my channel, I viewed it as a project and that I would end up just like Bethany Mota or Blair or Elle. But truth is, that takes a lot of dedication and hard work. I know I don't have the time or resources to create these brilliant videos so I'm perfectly content with being a small channel in a huge YouTube community. Since my realization, I've created a video every now and then just for the fun of it. I've lowered my expectations and am perfectly happy with my 290 subscribers! I love that I can post my interests on the Internet for people to see and just for me to enjoy.
     I have created a beauty channel and a singing channel. If you would like to check them out, feel free to! (The links will be down below.) So really, the message of this post is to enjoy your life. Don't feel like there are so many expectations for you to uphold. Relax, breathe, and just be happy. 
    Until next time,